Wednesday, January 18

Kyrie Eleison

This wreakage of wood; half oragnised half chaos, elucidates the need for the tears I feel on my cheek.
Though still retaining beauty, its true glory is lost by the hands of another.
I and this tree, this magnificnet being, are equally reduced to stump and rubble.
Though no one stops to bid it farewell or thank it for its beauty, I am no less than stopped in my path by its cry of greif.
Yet, it knows the place of its greif and does not dwell on it...
As it will be transformed into what new thing by what means, I love it always.
Its roots forever strong in the earth of my heart.

A Conversation

Two Planets, two stars.
For the girl

This beast arrested

This here; a neglectable sadness- covered by transparent barriers. 
I am met with detachment.
Words blur the distance grown between us, silence illuminating what lie dormant.

This here; a beast arrested. 
It struggles against restraint, so thin, so fine, yet so intricately yielded.

But still, there is only indifference. 
No glitter of companionship in your eye, 
Only fear. 
Only your beast visibly contorting beneath its weight,
Pulling tighter each rein on memory and love.   

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